The story of helping the orphans in Uganda started with Mr. Kalogerakis back in 2005 when he was visiting Uganda and saw the dire living conditions the children where living in and what little food they had. Since then, Mr. Kalogerakis started fundraising and making efforts to improve the life of these children and he succeeded.
On February 21, 2017, Worldwide Friends Of Ugandan Orphans organization was created for the pure and only purpose of helping needy children .
Here is a brief summary of what Mr. Kalogerakis and WFOUO have done and still doing for the Ugandan orphans through the years.
All this was and is still possible because of your generosity
1- In 2015, a water pump was installed to have clean water.
Just notice how much the kids are happy!

2- In 2016, a guest house was finished. Since all the volunteers travel on their own expenses, the guest house serves as a place for the volunteer to spend their time in Uganda when they go visit to check on the progress of the different projects that are going on and to spend time with the orphans. This way, they can use these expenses toward helping the orphans in the different needs that they have.

3- In 2021, the school was finished. We have been sponsoring the salary of the teacher too.



Look at the difference of the classrooms:
Before building the new school

After building the new school

Look at the benches where the students spend their days learning:


4- Since 2005, we have been supporting 95 orphans by sending $600 every month to buy food like rice, beans, sugar, potatoes. Otherwise, the orphans will be eating corn meal all day long.

Starting in August 2022, the amount of money needed to feed the kids increased. This is happening because of the inflation everywhere in the world. At this point, WFOUO will be able to send $750 every month instead of $600.

5- We also provide support for 34 needy kids. WFOUO is in charge of paying the school admission, school supplies (school bags, rulers, pencils, books, art books, graph books, calculators), daily water bottles, hygienes items ( toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair-combs, toilet papers, shoe polish, shoe brush, hankies, jelly), umbrellas and brooms. We sent around $ 10000 this year to cover these expenses.
6- In December 2021, WFOUO started to send $400 to educate three orphans whose mom died from COVID during the pandemic and the father has not been able to find a job.
7- During the COVID pandemic, WFOUO helped the people to plant maize. Here is a picture of the harvest. The kids are getting the grains ready for processing them into maize flour.

8- A very small amount of the money is used to support the WFOUO site technically to try to reach out to as many people as we can to support our cause.
9- AT THE MOMENT, we are in the process of doing a Golf Tournament to raise money to build a clinic in honor of Mr. Kalogerakis. The clinic will offer medical support to all the people in need in Uganda.
10. Also, two persons from the group will be traveling in October to oversee what has been going on with the different projects that have been achieved. If anyone would like to donate school items like pencils, crayons, pens, sharpeners, erasers, or gently used clothes or new clothes for kids between 5-14 years old, please be in touch with us.
On behalf of all the Ugandan kids, we want to THANK YOU for your support and generosity.
"Always be thankful for what you have. Many people have nothing."